Thursday, March 24, 2011


I'm tired of being alone. I try to convince myself that I'm content with loneliness, but I'm not.
I'm freaking tired of my reputation. I'm tired of being known as his girl. I'm tired of his big mouth that lies and gives everybody the wrong idea about who i am.
I'm tired of watching my friends screw up their lives with drugs and alcohol.
I'm SO SICK of watching my best friend slip through my fingers for a guy who would hump it and dump it....
I'm tired of being judged. Only a few people really know what's happened in my life.
I'm tired of snooty fake girls who have nothing better to do then make up drama and dwell in it.
I'm tired of having religion shoved down my throat.
I'm tired of people putting themselves over other people
I'm sick of not being united with my family.
Why does everybody have to suffer?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Love is...

Love is when all of your friends are smoking dope..they hand you one, but you don't take it because she means more to you than a high..
Love is singing phantom of the opera at the top of your lungs just to make her laugh.
Love is playing the song you wrote for her on your guitar, even though you are tone deaf(:
Love is being able to goof off with her one minute and kiss her the next.
Love is giving up that job for your little girl who just made the high school team.
it's when there isn't a waking moment that you're not thinking about him.
It's knowing what every face expression means. Love is being scared of falling on your face, but taking the chance anyways, because he's worth it.
Love is forever.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Horrible Pick up lines

WARNING: these lines have actually been used on me
hey..come here often?
Soo.. say you're a pirate.. how many parrots could you fit on your shoulder... 1..2..3..
Are your legs tired? Cause you've been running through my head all day.
Hey.. i bet my hands bigger than yours... lets compare.
Look.. You're attractive.. I'm attractive.. Let's make this into something
You've got a boyfriend? No? well.... we should hang out (;
So.. i saw you checking me out from over there.. I'm guessing you want my number?
Let's put this movie on.. and not watch it (;
A lot of girls are really obsessed with me.. but I'm only interested in you..
You're name would go really well with my last name!

Boys.. don't ever use these lines.. EVER.

boulevard of broken deams

i walk alone i walk alone..
it isn't raining..but it's gray and smells of it.
All the buildings around me are old and falling apart.
i walk alone i walk alone...
every building is gray or black.
The only things that are full of vibrant colors are the
signs that hang from those buildings.
I'm i know where? No. I'm not in a hurry. i take my time.
There is no smile coming from this face of mine.
I walk alone i walk alone..
I look up towards the sky
the dark gray clouds are forming a twist with a purple tint to it.
Lightening strikes every once in a while.
I stare back ahead.
I have a blank look that seeps from my face.
I'm not mad.
I'm not hurt.
I don't have emotions anymore.
I've trained myself not to feel. Not to care. Not to let things bother me.
I walk alone I walk alone...